Monday, August 5, 2013

Sunday Snapshots. Edition 1

I'm going to try something new weekly, and bring you a round up of my favourite moments from the week in photography form.

Welcome to #SundaySnapshots. Edition 1.

Week of August 29, 2013
Photo Round Up

SKAM bought a truck this week. Getting it here was a small fiasco. But in the mean time, I licensed it!
Now wait and see what we are planning to do with it!

During the truck delivering fiasco, I had time to take Rob for lunch. He took a week of his holidays to bum around and start work on the teardrop trailer this week (but I sort of usurped some of that time with, "honey, since your free this week" sorts of things... like, accompanying me to a root canal), so we went for lunch at the newish bistro just around the corner from our house. 

The Truck arrived and we gave SKAM fans a sneak peak. And because you folks live on the internet, you only get a sneak peak as well ;)
Rob got started on the trailer after all.

We discovered plums in our yard. See. I think it is our plum tree. What do you think?
The figs ripened!

Last rhubarb harvest, but Hello Figs!

And then we immediately realized that we would soon have dozens and dozens and dozens of figs and we'd better start figuring out what to do with them all.

First attempt at preserving Figs.

Max and I had our suspicions that the fax machine doesn't work. Max mused, "I wish we knew someone with a fax machine that could tell us if they've received it" I said "WE HAVE A FAX MACHINE." -- What followed was a series of total failures in the use of outdated modern technology. And Rob's exasperation.
The verdict. Its sends out. But we can't receive anything. Don't send us a fax.

I drove the truck. It was terrifying. I'm still not showing you the rest of it.

After my distractions and a day of rain. Rob finally began welding.

And while kitten and I cleaned the house, I found her spying on Rob from the upstairs window.

We also went to Vancouver for the annual Vancouver Pride Parade. It was pretty amazing and very very long. Also, day trips to Vancouver are also very long, so this post is a day late and a proper Pride Photo Round Up will follow!

I hope you have all had a really great long weekend! Happy SK Day, BC Day and what ever the day you are celebrating in your corner of Canada is!

Now off to harvest more figs!

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